Tuesday, January 11, 2011

YMCA: It's Not You; It's Me

I was going to post pictures from Christmas today, but Andy took the external hard drive to work and all the pictures with him. So on to something else that is on my mind these days. As of January 15th, I am not a current member of the YMCA anymore. I put my membership on hold because I can't get there anymore and at $80 a month, it is too expensive to keep in case I can figure it out. I know some people may think, "So What?" but it makes me really sad.
I have been a member of a gym since I was 14 when I got a membership for Christmas. I love a gym. I love all the people, the smells (good and bad), the energy; you get the picture. I do enjoy exercising outside. I can only run outside, so I do that when I can these days. I have never been a person who can run for any distance on a treadmill. Training last year for the 1/2, I ran in the freezing rain rather than go to the Y and get on a treadmill. However, unless it is running, I like to be at a gym. I love aerobic classes and especially cycle classes. I love picking a machine (or many) each morning to enjoy while I watch the TV or read People magazine. I like meeting up with friends and talking while we jog on weird machines that are like running and climbing hills at the same time.
As a mom, exercise has taken on new meaning. It is about being healthy and liking what I see in the mirror, but it is so much more. My girls have grown up at the Y in W-S and they know everyone. Their picture is even on the inspiration wall with other kids in a laundry basket that they take towels in. My hour or less each morning has given us all time to ourselves to regroup and get on with the day. Both Carly and Joiner ask to go to the Y almost every day and they are in school now. I actually think it is what they miss most about preschool 4 days a week. I joke that there were many mornings that I didn't really need to work out, but I went because we needed to get out of the house. All moms have our "thing." A good friend and I used to compare our "things." Paige always showered and had herself looking perfect every morning. I worked out. I think she won in the minds of those that saw us. Because the result of working out is I looked more haggard and yucky than normal. Oh, well.
Then came Bennett. He is one of the lights of my life. However, I am a nap-Nazi and because of that, I refuse to mess with his naps to go the gym. Even if his morning nap left time to go to the Y and get the girls from school by 12, I still wouldn't do it right now. He can't get a flu shot for a few more months and you know how child care rooms are. So, for the next two months I will be happy with using most morning nap times to rediscover my workout DVD collection and run on the weekends and when Andy is home. I will make it work, but I will miss the Y. So it's not goodbye, just see you soon:)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! I am QUITE SURE I never looked perfect a day in my life!! And to everyone who knows us both, they know that you, without a doubt, win the "better investment in yourself" award!

    Hugs to you and your three!
