Thursday, January 13, 2011


So I am finally getting to post Christmas morning pictures. Bennett woke up at 6:45am and I was in the living room feeding him and watching A Christmas Story. The girls are not allowed to get out of their beds until 7am, and I was waiting to hear their door open. Amazingly, it didn't open until about 7:15 or so. They sat with me while B finished and I realized that the movie is not really for kids! Santa leaves presents in our basement (we have a fire place down there) and so we waited until Mamie and Pops woke up and then went down to investigate.

First we took very flattering pictures of everyone! Daddy's turn
Discovering that Santa had come
Santa always covers the pile with a blanket. They are pointing at the blanket
What did Santa bring?
A dollhouse!


Silly bands and other goodies

Playing with the new dollhouse. It is so cool. I think I enjoy it as much as they do.

Yes, Bennett had some presents too. Here is his first screwdriver.

Opening his new balls

After our annual treat of baked French toast, chicken sausage, and baked apples we opened our family Christmas present. This year Carly and Joiner could read the names and take the presents to the correct person.
The big present from Mamie and Pops were real sleeping bags
You can see from their faces how much they love clothes! As soon as we finished opening presents they changed into these dresses, leggings, and hairbands.

Here is sweet Bennett taking in all the action

Here is Pops with one of his gifts!
Mamie with one of hers

Carly and Joiner opening more presents
It was a fun Christmas morning, but there is more to come....

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