Saturday, June 26, 2010

Dance Camp

The girls went to Dance Camp at Salem Gymnastics last year and had a great time. They were super excited to go again this year. Last year, Joiner just broke down at the performance at the end of the week. I didn't' say anything this year, but she started saying on Monday that she wasn't going to cry this year. I told her to look at me if she was scared or sad and I will give her a "thumbs-up." She did what she said and didn't cry a bit. She actually did everything with a smile and even lead some of the changes in the dance. Carly was very serious as she was trying to get each step just right and she as wonderful. They were so excited at the end. Daddy is on a research month, so he was able to come this year. This is really an impressive camp. It is only 2 hours a day, for 5 days, but the last day has this really elaborate performance with multiple dances and costumes. They even make their own crown and wand.
They call each girl out individually to curtsy, but Daddy didn't get a picture of that. After the roll call, each group performs 3 dances. Here is Joiner in the first dance. Smile On! Carly is behind her making sure she misses nothing

Seated now

Carly doing the motions to "A Whole New World"



Now we are onto Ballet. Joiner is in front and Carly is in the corner


Joiner running around the circle; Carly is behind her and Ellison is in front

Waiting for the next number

You can see the outfit change

Carly on the left and Joiner in the middle

More spinning

Taking a bow
Now we are tap dancing

I surprised them with flowers last year, but they were counting on them this year. They were both so excited at the end! Joiner would hold hers like a baby and Carly was like a torch!

Posing with Ellison. I don't think she was too into it!

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