Wednesday, May 18, 2011

9 Months Old

Bennett turned 9 months old last week. How is it that he has grown so much. I wasn't prepared for this Bonus Baby to go even faster than the first two. He continues to be such a blessing. His little sweet, watching spirit continues. We call him Beep Beep because he has been crawling, but only backwards. He is a pro at crawling backwards, sitting up, turning around, and going backwards again to get where he wants to go. Daddy says that his engine works, but his transmission is broken:) ** I started this post yesterday and while I was getting lunch ready for the girls I put him on the kitchen floor to play. Usually he scoots around in a funny little circle. Today I immediately heard spashing. I go to the other side of the bar and see him elbow-deep in the dog water. I asked him how he did that, and moved him back to the saucer and table and go back to making sandwiches. Again, almost immediately, I hear splashing. This time, when I moved him back, I watched. Sure enough, like some giant synapse finally clicked, he crawled like a pro FORWARD to the dog water! So funny! The funniest thing is that he has this little laugh when he does it that I can only explain it as a Beevis and Butthead laugh. Now I never watched this show, but Caga did when our parents weren't aware and it is a very distinct laugh/ cackle and he has it. But his is meant in the most positive way and he is so proud of himself for finally going in the direction he intended.

I don't even have a picture of the number this time. No chance it would stay on the floor!

Playing with his cars

Ahh, there's the number!

Where's Bennett?

Coming to get me

"Do you want my sock?"

"No? Well then I will eat it!"

So precious! I could eat him up!

More peek-a-boo

We had a rummage sale at church last weekend and I picked up this push-car for B. The girls love to push him around. He looks a little rough in his onsie and sun hat, but he was having a ball.

In his car with Carly

These pictures are hard to appreciate, but Carly was doing an airplane with his yogurt and he was so excited! When she would swing the spoon down he was jumping and squealing. It was precious. She learned this from Daddy! Imagine that:)

Mr B playing on the floor with his favorite food box; Cheerios.

B has two little teeth, but I think he must be getting more. Here is he chewing on the ottoman.

Stopping to grab the camera

Here he is standing. B is pulling up like crazy. He will pull up on anything (not always a good thing) and is trying to cruise around on the furniture. His favorite game is when one of us sits next to him while he plays. He will crawl around and then dump himself in your lap and pull up using our face or arms.

Chewing on his toy basket


Stopping to grab a toy!

Onto stats: Bennett was 17.5 lbs (8%), 27.5 in (25%) and his head was the 16% at his 9 month check-up. I have no idea how he is only the 8%. He is so cuddly and round. He doesn't have a ton of baby rolls, though, and he is pretty slim when he is naked without the bulk of his cloth diaper. As a reference, the outfit he is wearing above is 3-6 months. He must have all his Daddy's genes when it comes to food. The boy EATS! He still gets fed yogurt and fruit for breakfast, but he feeds himself lunch and dinner. Yesterday he had an ENTIRE half of a cheese sandwich, green beans, and some banana. Then for dinner he had a big Mexican meatball, lima beans, corn, and more banana. We haven't found anything he doesn't inhale. He will eat everything from Cheerios, to any vegetable or fruit. He is loving the fresh strawberries and blueberries that are coming in these days!

Bennett is really talking these days and is starting to string sounds together in little phrases that only he understands. He seems to enjoy figuring out which things go together. He is always putting toys in things and then taking them out. He loves to give High 5s (holding out his hand while we splat it and he giggles.) He also starting to tell us when he just doesn't want to do something. For a baby who rarely fusses, he has this pitiful cry where he holds his head down and just wales. Pretty sad! We love you, Bennett. It is so much fun to watch you change and grow. I wish it would go more slowly, but maybe I just need to slow down and take it all in:)

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