Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Bennett Clark Evans

Our sweet baby BOY was born on Sunday, August 8th at 7:07pm. Bennett Clark Evans is a sweetheart of a baby. He weighed 7lbs 6oz and 19in long. In comparison to our other babies, we think he is quite chubby.
My water broke for several hours on Sunday morning as I was getting ready for church and on my walk. So around 10am, we headed to the hospital. Thanks to Margaret for zooming over to hang out with the girls. Gigi came a little later and I know they all had fun.
Here is the last belly shot of "Mistletoe" before we left for the hospital
Our last photo of a family of four ( and Zoie)

I had a C-section with the girls and I was really committeed to trying to have a VBAC this time. When I got to the hospital, I was only 1/2 cm dialated, so they were telling me there wasn't much hope I would be able to go in 24 hours, since you can't get much help with a VBAC. I assured them that I still wanted to try. My platelets have been low, so they kept taking labs to make sure they were high enough to get an epidural. After about an hour of labor, the labs were still low, but OK, so I got an epidural. My street cred is pretty low as I only had about an hour of painful contractions before the wonderful meds were in. By then, about 2:30, I had progressed to a 4 with the help of regular pitocin that they could give me very slowly. We just sat back to wait and watch HGTV. At about 5, I was only at a 5, so Andy went to get some dinner when my dad came to hang out. They checked me again about 6:30 because the nurse thought the baby was really low. Sure enough I was a 9 1/2 and it was almost time. They said about an hour, but it was only 37 minutes later when Andy got to tell me it was a BOY! The whole staff was in the room with us because they all get so excited when it is a surprise. Here I am waiting to push.

10 minutes later it is time to meet Bennett! He has a good set of lungs!

Little chubby baby body

Our new baby

Since Dad was around when things started moving, he stood outside the door (against the rules) until he heard something

Against better judgement, we let the girls come that night to see their new brother after they went to dinner. We didn't tell anyone what we had until they came to see.
What is it?

Joiner kissing

Carly kissing

A new baby brother!

Gigi with Bennett

Big sisters

Jarrett and Miriam

Our new family portrait minus the baby. Gigi or Grumpa were probably holding him hostage.

In the newborn nursery

Checking out the stats

Joiner with her brother


Bennett getting burped

Carly and Bennett and mommy

Getting ready to go home
We are outta here!

In the car. You can see Bennett in the mirror

They look so tiny in these seats at first!

Trying out his crib for the first time

Daddy and his boy
Big sister time

So cute!

Joiner on the playmat!
I could eat him up!

Big sister Joiner ( I could eat her up too!)


  1. So cute!!! I'm trying to give you your space but as soon as you are up for visitors we would LOVE to come see you!!!!!

  2. Oh my goodnesss! I don't know what I want to do more, drive to WSNC and see Bennett Clark, or have another one of our own! JUST KIDDING!! Brent would personally drive me to your doorstep I'm sure! He is beautiful. Don't blink Conner. It goes so much faster this time. Love to you all!

    paige and the boys

  3. He's gorgeous, Conner! I LOVE the pictures! These baby boys sure are sweet, aren't they? Everett is super excited to have another dude around! I'm sure he, Barrett and Bennett will be heartbreakers at preschool in a couple of years! We can't wait to meet him! I'm sure Carly and Joiner are trilled! Great job, guys!

  4. I love this post!! So sweet. You, like I said earlier, look so happy and fantastic! It is always fun to see your friends beaming. . .and you definitely are! We love sweet baby Bennett!
