Wednesday, September 28, 2011

July fun!

I know, it has been a while. It would seem that with two kids in "big" school that I would have all this time. Well, it actually is the opposite. Anyway, work must take all my additional time so the blog is not on the list.

I will try to do better and here are some pictures of some summer fun taht haven't made it yet.

Bennett discovered the sand table. Here is Joiner helping him.

Such a sweet picture.

She was actually a little perturbed that he was in her sand piles!

Big boy in the baseball hat

Gigi came and loved to spend time with him out there.

Speaking of Gigi, we had a surprise retirement party for her. You can't see her face, but she was surprised.

You can see her face a little now. I don't have many pictures with trying to mingle and keep Mr B in line.

Here is her cake that says "Free Gigi"

Bennett trying cake for the first time.

I think it was a hit!

Uncle Bill and Aunt Marilyn from CA came to visit. I think Carly took this picture.

Uncle Bill, Joiner, and if you look close, Bennett's head.

Here is Bennett with a 4 lb zuchini. I made 12 loaves of bread with this sucker!

The girls love to walk by the big jumper at the mall. It costs $6 a kid! So, I told them if they saved their allowance, I would pay 1/2. So when I knew they had more than enough $, I surprised them and said today was the day. For those of you who don't know about this thing, it is basically a huge johnny jump-up.

Here is Carly getting strapped in.

Joiner waiting for her time.

Joiner jumping. She was screaming and shaking her legs. I think she would have done it all day. They can jump as high as the second floor!

Carly on her ride up. You can see by her stance that she was much more reserved. Rigid might be a better description! She said she had fun, though.

I had bought a Groupon to Dippin Dots so they even got to get a treat! I get very few days as a mom where I am fun and seem to have no rules, so I will take what I can get!

We did lots more this summer, but at least we finally have an overview!

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