Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Beach, Part Three

I don't know why this picture is posting first. Bruce cut his foot on one of the mean grasses outside. Here he is in the only bandages we had, Princess Tiana:)

We ended our beach trip with a return trip to the Turtle Hospital. The line was so bad the day before, so we headed out early the next day to try to get ahead of the line. We still had to wait, but not too long.

They wouldn't let you take any pictures and I know why. It is basically a warehouse full of tanks. They introduce you to 6 turtles, but they keep it moving. There were 20 in all. Each has a story about being caught in a net or something equally tragic. Leni was a turtle that had been caught in a net and the fisherman beat him until he fell out. The poor thing was now blind and would never be able to be released. He was only 4 when caught and he could live until 90 years old!

It is free to go in, but they ask for donations. They also have a turtle store and the lucky girls had Gigi there! They each got this turtle with a sweatshirt and Bennett was brought a turtle with a little turtle baby on it's shell. It has a squeaker and he loves it. I did buy each a turtle shirt. Hey, it was for the turtles!

Carly with her turtle

Joiner with her turtle


Running out to enjoy the last night on the beach

More sand play

Joiner had been trying to do a handstand and she nearly got it!

Carly's Baywatch moment

Carly's attempt at a handstand. She got up, but I just couldn't catch it.

Andy bought the girls a better kite and they actually got it in the air for a while.

Joiner giving it a try

Bennett and Gigi

Sweet boy

Now these pictures are so funny. There was a faucet on the landing of our deck to wash feet and beach things. Bennett discovered that he could stand with it on the last day and he was so excited. He was a mix of playing, drinking, and laughing. We literally had to drag him away.

We went out for ice cream the last night. Here is Carly riding the dolphin.

Here is Bennett trying some vanilla ice cream with Bruce. I don't know why I have no other pictures of the rest of us, but I don't. You can see my nose and Carly's head:)

It was a great trip! I already wish we were back:)

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