Tuesday, April 5, 2011


In the midst of trying to get our fabulous trip to DW documented and still keep my part-time job, I missed all postings of events in March. So, in one big clump, here is our entire month!

Mr B started the month by moving from his baby tub to the sink. It is a little sink and he slips and slides, but he LOVES it. If I make the mistake of holding him while I add the water, he is trying to throw himself out of my arms into the sink. He loves to push down the drain. He obviously doesn't know yet that all his water will leave:)

Here's ole blue eyes

Feeding Bennett has become something else to fight about around here. I have to remember who fed him for what meal so it can be fair. He now eats 3 times a day so there are lots of opportunities!

Joiner must have won this time. Check out her mouth:)
Bennett is in the kitchen with us for every meal and he feels like he must eat if we are eating. So, I put him in his Bumbo ( I just can't make myself pull out the highchair yet. The kitchen is so tight as it is!) and pump him full of Cheerios! He inhales them before you can move your hand. I am really worried about the teenage years! He may be little, but he can eat! Sounds like another guy I know:)
Spring has come and then gone around here. On one of the upswings, we got our raised beds ready for plants. Here are the girls helping to spread manure and compost.
Bennett came out after his nap to check out the action.

I was in charge of Joiner's St Patrick's Day party. Bennett and I came and brought Lucky Charms, yogurts and coloring pages. Joiner was so excited. The girls have never had Lucky Charms and they thought it was so special. She got to pass out her plates and napkins. Here she is investigating a marshmallow.

So excited!
Speaking of excited...The little Leprechaun was very psyched to be in the big kids class.
Working on her shamrock

Playing on the floor
Carly's class had a day to dress up as what you want to be as an adult. Carly apparently wants to be a "hair cutter" and so that is what she was. She wore an apron with scissors, a comb, a phone, pad and pencil, and hair clips. She was very proud of herself, and so were we.

Showing us what was in the pockets

And then Joiner needed to join the team! Such sweet sisters!
Joiner outside playing with her baby in the carrier

Carly playing with chalk
Carly was out feeding the birds with some bread ends. Here is Mr B watching her. I was trying to get him without catching me.
He caught me!
Some meals we have been giving B a tip of a banana frozen in this little mesh bag to help him stay occupied without a TON of Cheerios.

Besides his funny face, I don't think you can really tell how completely disgusting this is. He is covered in mushy banana and the little bag is soooooo gross. He loves it, though!
This was the first day of Spring Break last week. It is not totally clear, but it was snowing! Seriously?
Because the weather was so yucky last week, we had to think of some fun indoor projects. The girls had a Barnes and Noble gift card from Christmas and they went and bought paint books and some new Ramona books.

Here is Carly with her painting

We went somewhere different everyday including a kids concert, out to lunch, Bounce U, and then bowling on Friday. The kids had a blast. They have done Wii bowling, but never the real thing. Waiting patiently while Mrs. Leah gets the names ready.
At first we tried throwing the balls, but this was hard to learn. Some of our friends are only 3!

Carly lamenting her gutter ball
Joiner trying to telepathically make her ball straighten out.
Looking good...

Joiner is frustrated, but having fun. We discussed that if we weren't having fun, then we should sit down. Now, I am an expert; I took bowling in college:)
Finally we found these ramps, and they helped a lot

Here is B and his friend Bear just chilling. ( I know, on the floor of a bowling alley. At least I put a blanket down!)

Bennett loves the dogs. He wants to pet them all the time. The other day, I put him on the bed to do something and Belle jumped up to lay down. He was so excited. He was throwing himself over to her to pet her. Finally I moved him so he could play with her.
Belle loves the kids, but I don't think this is her favorite age.

She tolerates his enthusiasm, though!

Everybody in the mix!
And to end our month, just the way it began...with a bath picture. Bennett quickly graduated to bathing with his sisters. To say they all love it would not be fair. It is one big splash experience!

Happy March. Here's to April bringing some milder (not hot, yet) fun days!

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