Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Swimming Lessons

The girls started swimming lessons last week at our YMCA. They have asked to take swimming lessons forever and I don't know what took me so long, but they love it. They were so excited to be there that they just sat on the bleachers waiting and randomly laughing. Joiner has trouble with strong emotions and she either laughs or cries when she is happy, surprised, sad, or just basically overwhelmed.

They are in different groups in their lessons, always a good thing. Here is one teacher coming to get my babies and take them to the pool. These pictures are all a little dark, but you can see their white bathing suits and pink goggles.
Sitting on the wall and waiting for instructions.

Going in one by one. Joiner started out really stong and I guess they thought she was doing really well, so they let go and she just sank. I was taking a picture of how well she was doing and I get this picture of her little head under the water. She got really scared after that and she held onto the teacher the rest of the lesson. She has gotten much braver the next few times.

Ready to jump in

Just hanging out

Carly in for a few laps with her teacher

Carly on her way back to us after a successful lesson

Daddy was having a pretty good day and was able to swing by for the last few minutes. Of course he is the only one looking at the camera!

We got these little swim vests this weekend and the girls and I can swim together after I work out on Mondays and Fridays. It is really fun and they both do really well. Plus it really helps with their lessons when we can practice.

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