I didn't mean for a week to go by before I posted about Bennett's birthday party, but that is what happened. It was a really fun day with family and friends!
Carly and Joiner had spent the previous week with Mamie and Pops. They came home on Sunday with Mamie and Pops ready to party.
We started the day the way we start every birthday, with cinnamon rolls and eggs on the Red Plate. This was Bennett's first time with cinnamon rolls and he seemed very pleased!
The girls were in Dance Camp at their dance studio last week (bad timing, but I had planned and paid before the GA trip was organized) so I took them to get party supplies after camp. They decided on an Elmo theme since Bennett loves his Elmo music table. We went a little crazy and had Elmo balloons and signs everywhere. We had pizza and a big salad for dinner as B loves pizza.
Here is Bennett and Margaret having a little snack while I got the pizzas cooked. You can see that even his highchair was decorated:)
Now he has a party hat!
Mamie, Margaret, and Lissa
Andy and I in our party hats
Margaret and Bennett along with a huge Elmo
Tina, Carly, and Joiner with Bennett's cupcakes. I intended to decorate the carrot cake cupcakes with little Elmos, but I took the easy way out and bought cute candles:)
Bennett wasn't sure what to do with his cupcake at first. He figured it out after Margaret broke it up a little for him. The he was very excited.
Pure joy!
Getting some help from his sisters
Where's Bennett?
There he is!
Mommy and Bennett
We moved into the living room to open presents. Here is B clapping as we got started.
Bennett with all his help:)
Caga and Miriam gave him a sweet basket filled with all sorts of goodies including this cuddly dog that he likes to eat! The doggy was wearing the hat that Bennett had on in the delivery room. They picked it up when they were there. Such a sweet thought.
The piano that Mamie and Pops gave him. One of the buttons on the piano plays "The Farmer in the Dell." If you start singing the song, he will go over to the piano and push buttons to start the song.
Some of the gang
Bennett playing with his Elmo ball
So big!
Now he has a party hat!
Mamie, Margaret, and Lissa
Margaret and Bennett along with a huge Elmo
Bennett wasn't sure what to do with his cupcake at first. He figured it out after Margaret broke it up a little for him. The he was very excited.
Getting some help from his sisters
Where's Bennett?
There he is!
We moved into the living room to open presents. Here is B clapping as we got started.
Caga and Miriam gave him a sweet basket filled with all sorts of goodies including this cuddly dog that he likes to eat! The doggy was wearing the hat that Bennett had on in the delivery room. They picked it up when they were there. Such a sweet thought.
The piano that Mamie and Pops gave him. One of the buttons on the piano plays "The Farmer in the Dell." If you start singing the song, he will go over to the piano and push buttons to start the song.
Some of the gang
Bennett playing with his Elmo ball
So big!
Bennett, at one year old you are trying so hard to walk and will go 15 or so steps at a time. You can stand on your own very well and turn. You are into anything and everything. If we catch you doing something you shouldn't, you look down and wiggle in satisfaction at your naughtiness! You wave and clap all the time. You have started saying "hi" and holding out your hand to talk with people. You LOVE to play peek-a-boo. You like to be in the mix of chaos and seem equally at home reading your books alone in the living room. You have the sweetest smile and attitude. You love to eat. Food and water play are about the only things that can make you mad. If you see someone eating and you want it, you get a little antsy. If we try to pull you out of the pool or a puddle, you get mad. You get out of the bathtub without fuss, but that may be coming. You are such a gift to our life!
We love you sweet Bennett! We look forward to so many more years of fun!
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