Okay, I know it is pretty ridiculous to put up this post when Bennett will be 8 months old this week, but life is busy, so it is the best I could do:)
This post will be overkill for all but the most loyal followers. I think 7 months will go down as the "funny face" month. It started with what we call "bugie face." It is pretty self-explanatory, but he scrunches up his nose like there is a bugie in there and then huffs and puffs! So funny. "Bugie face" has morphed into some kind of Elvis impersonation where he gets his lips and eyebrows involved. Andy and I like to think we have pretty big senses of humor and it seems the girls do as well. Bennett appears to be developing his earlier still, so we are waiting to see what kind of jokester he turns out to be!
One of these pictures was not enough to show all his faces, so I had to put almost the entire photo session so you could get the real affect! My wish for the next year is to get a really nice camera with a fast shutter speed. I think anyone with more than one child realizes the benefit of a fast shutter speed!
"You're not taking my picture are you?"
Back to the paper
I love this one!
I tried one more time to lay him on his back to get some pictures, but he found my face and camera too interesting!
Onto the latest stats. At a sick appointment Bennett was 16lbs, so he continues to fill out! He still HATES his tummy, but he is a wonderful, stable sitter. He wants to sit or jump all the time. He will reach and get on his knees, so we are waiting to see what develops with that. I am not encouraging crawling, but I think he might do it without my encouragement! The time is on fast forward!
I love you sweet boy, bugies and all!
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