See...I am doing better this week. Bennett has only been 5 months old for 6 days now.
Here is my sweet boy. He looks so proud to be sitting up. He does better each day and has all the determination to keep trying. Joiner drew the "5" freehand and we are so proud!
"Hey Mom, just getting in some light reading."
So many of the pictures from this session are blurry because he is so BUSY! His attitude is still so chill, but his hands and especially his feet are always moving. I was feeding him last night on the sofa and I called Andy in to see his socks scattered on the floor and his feet busy kicking. SO much like daddy.
Flying away!
"Back to my book. Got to get the names of these animals down."
The new toy up from the basement is the jumper and boy is it a fave! He wants to be in it all the time. When I try to put him on the mat or in the saucer, he clearly would rather be in the jumper. He is not a super giggly baby, but he laughs the entire time he is in the saucer. We don't have a lot of door moldings with all the paneling, so I have to put him in a bedroom doorway. But is doesn't matter to him if no one is around. I will be washing dishes and I can hear him talking to himself and laughing.
The "jumpy" crew. The nice bonus here is the girls will jump with him and then all 3 are exhausted:)
Just getting in some piano practice with Carly.
" Who's up?"
Bennett's up, that's who!
Yes, I let the girls keep their pink tree out just a little bit longer. I wish I could have out the big tree all year, too, but I can't. It was basically kindling when I took it down last week.
REALLY jumping now!
"And I'm back!"
Yum, yum. I could eat him up. You can see from behind him that one or both of his sisters are never far away! Sweet girls.
Another great month, sweet boy. You are now in your medium Bum Genius All-In-One diapers, so you are getting so big. We love you!
Who is this child and why is he sitting up?