Monday, October 29, 2012

Bennett is 2

Yes, as most of you are aware, Bennett turned 2 in August.  However, we moved about 5 days later and it just didn't get done until now.  I am only doing it now so that I have some record of it when he asks what happened to his 2nd birthday.  We had a great day!  We went to the Greensboro Children's museum where they have a real Volvo 18 wheeler that he loved.  I couldn't have any party at my house as there wasn't anywhere for the 5 of us to sit with boxes everywhere  So we invited people to meet at Chick-fil-A, his favorite place.  I intended to pay for everyone, but no one let me.  So, we had a fun dinner, with Bennett as happy as can be, and it didn't mess up my house or cost me more than the $21 for my family of 5.  So, we will be doing this every year:)  I did intend to have a nice dinner and party in the new house once we got settled, but I realized that at 2, he was over it!

Here we are coming in to say good morning to the birthday boy.  He is holding all his "ya-yas" to tell us hi. 

Customary cinnamon roll breakfast with smoothie.  The red plate was packed, sorry:(

Driving the train at the museum.  He had to be forcefully removed!

Inside the police car

Carly with a baby in the newborn nursery.  You can see Ellison and Joiner were there as well.

Joiner with her baby

Mommy and kids in the big chair

Gigi and kids in the big chair

I did make him a cake and I let him lick the icing spoon.  You can see how big his eyes are with this treat!

He had seen a big Thomas balloon at a store once and I told him he could have it for his birthday.  Well, he asked me about it and Daddy stopped at Party City on his way home to pick it up!  He was so happy!  I think this might have been his only present from us.  Again, this will be noted as awesome!  He wouldn't have been happier with 10 toys!

The "big" kids at their own table at dinner

The adult and "little" kids table. 

Bennett's Thomas cake. 

I wouldn't normally post an unflattering picture of my behind, but this was so funny as he dove into his cake!
Bennett, you have to be the coolest, chillest 2 year old out there.  You are so funny and you know it.  The things you say...that it a whole other post.  You go with the flow, and I just can't imagine life without you!
I am sorry we were so busy around your big day, but we love you soooo much!